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1. Canada has the tenth largest advertising and marketing industry in the world. The Canadian advertising and marketing industry is estimated to generate $10 billion in yearly revenue, with projections showing that Canadian ad expenditure will grow to $13.56 billion in 2021. North America as a whole region invests the most in the advertising and marketing sector.

2. The advertising and marketing industry covers a variety of advertising forms, such as television, radio, print magazines and newspapers, outdoor billboards and posters, digital advertising, and mobile internet advertising. Franchises in this sector are varied, but many focus on businesses that provide digital and mobile advertising support as well as a number of print and sign advertisers.

3. Digital advertising in Canada alone is a $4 billion industry. The future of advertising is digital, with 91 percent of marketers in Canada pointing to the computer as the leading device for advertising.

4. Marketing is essential to a business's growth. For many small businesses, navigating the world of advertising and marketing is a daunting task. That's why these businesses turn to specialized services such as those that are provided by a franchise business. Owners of marketing franchises can help businesses find new and better ways to compete.

5. Trends in this sector includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), e-commerce review websites such as Yelp, and voice search using mobile phones and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems such as Siri and Amazon's Alexa. These trends are changing the way consumers access information about brands and products and the way that businesses advertise their brands and products, making the specialized services that advertising and marketing franchises provide necessary in daily business operations.

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